sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011

P. Sherman, 1506, Wallaby Way

     My teacher said that we should imerse ourselves into English before the exam and avoid speaking our own languages because it would get our brains used to it, which would make it easier to come up with the words that we need. So until tomorrow at 4:30pm, when the exam ends, ENLGISH ONLY.
     I woke up this morning with a phone call from my mom asking my why didn't I log on skype. BECAUSE I'M SLEEPING AND I'M GOING TO TALK TO YOU WHEN I WAKE UP AS I ALWAYS DO! BUT, FOR SOME REASON, YOU ALWAYS THINK I FORGOT OR I DON'T KNOW WHAT TIME IS IT FOR YOU. I DO KNOW!! And why do we have to chat so often at first place? We don't even have what to talk about sometimes!
     Anyway, once awake I logged on skype, talked to my dad, had breakfast and got my material to start studying. But then, I started to feel bad... Something in my stomach, I don't know... Since I have no ideia of which medicine to take and I actually try to avoid taking pills, I used what is, for me, the best method to cure any illness: sleeping! Everytime I feel bad, I go to bed and when I wake up, I'm magically recovered! So that's exactly what I did and it was POTATO! I woke up feeling way better :)
     As I had already planned, all I did today was studying. So, I was actually kind of happy about the fact that the weather was terrible and it rained the whole day, because it didn't make me feel like I was missing a great day outside being locked at home studying. But even so, I knew that I could be under my blanket watching movies instead of doing the vocabulary review. Therefore, I needed a stimuli! And what is a better stimuli than food? *__* I stuffed myself with pasta and brigadeiro (or some kind of dessert made of the exact same ingredients of brigadeiro but transformed in somthing else by the Marinainthekitchen effect) until 5:30pm, when I lazily left home to go to my theatre class.
     The theme of today's class was - Marcelo, you would like this. But you are a fucking unconsiderate brother who doesn't read my blog so I'm actually talking to no one right now. ANYWAY... - zombie attacks. The teacher wanted to challenge us to do a good performance even facing such a surreal situation - which is usually reported in trash movies with crappy actors. There was too much talk and not enough action, in my opinion. Although I feel rather insecure and frightened everytime I have to perform something in English and keep hoping that we run out of time before my turn comes, I liked our second class - in which we did scenes the whole night - better than the last ones, where we spent most of the time commenting on the scene and talking about the character wants, objectives and background instead of actually playing them (even though I like how focused the course is in making us understand the character in order to play its role properly - which is what this course is all about, after all! And that's why I chose it! That's why I chose ACTING: CHARACTER and not ACTING SKILLS or IMPROVISING or any other).
     I left the class a bit earlier to make sure I would be home early and have a good night's sleep. In the bus back home, all I could think about was how much I miss acting in portuguese. It's SOOOO MUCH easier! I know all (not AAAAAALL of them! That would be impossible. But surely more than in English) the words, I know what they mean, I can express my feelings...! I really miss it! And I miss rehearsing for a play! I had so much fun last year with all those four plays *__* I simply LOVED the "Ai Guedes, você não presta" scene (No jokes about it, please. I just had fun doing it) from "Obsessão" and the Pretty Woman scene from "Eles só querem dançar" (by the way, I couldn't regret more for choosing this name. 12h40 was SOOOOO MUCH BETTER!!).
     I'm home now. I just had dinner and I'm ready to go to bed and wake up for the day that is going to decide if my last twelve weeks were worth it or not.
     Kisses from a girl whose stomach is full of butterflies

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